In Passing: A Podcast by the Center for Faith Engagement
In Passing is a place for authentic conversations with people you would normally pass by on the sidewalk. Take a moment and hear the stories of students, speakers, and staff members of Andrews University.
In Passing: A Podcast by the Center for Faith Engagement
Episode 6 ft. Gianna Bacchiocchi (BONUS)
Kendra Miranda
Season 1
Episode 6
Inside of this episode Kendra and Isaac feature Gianna Bacchiocchi. She is a Sophomore University student studying Biology and Pre-PA (studies) here at Andrews University. We all discuss the power of confidence and where we should lean on to find it in its truest form. Gianna speaks on the struggles in keeping a confident composure, and the natural human responses to the setbacks we face when criticized. This episode is honest and elaborative and shines a good light on the natural progression of growing up in a social media heavy society. It is a longer one than usual but an important one...strap in and relate. We will see you in there.