In Passing: A Podcast by the Center for Faith Engagement
In Passing is a place for authentic conversations with people you would normally pass by on the sidewalk. Take a moment and hear the stories of students, speakers, and staff members of Andrews University.
Podcasting since 2022 • 26 episodes
In Passing: A Podcast by the Center for Faith Engagement
Latest Episodes
Goodbye Angel//S02E17
We wrap up our season, say goodbye to Angel, and introduce our new host! Thanks for listening along this season. Be sure to stay tuned for our next season next semester!
Season 2
Episode 17

Max's Seasons//S02E16
Max Dronen joins us with his emotional support, Timmy Duado, to discuss lessons he has learned while at Andrews and what he hopes Andrews will become.
Season 2
Episode 16

Motivated Moriah//S02E15
Moriah shares with us how motivation hasn't always led to discipline for her and how she balances the expectations she has on herself to keep moving forward and managing her time well. We're sure you'll relate to her so you won't want to pass t...
Season 2
Episode 15

Morgan Questions Everything//S02E14
Morgan Williams shares her path towards questioning what she believes, reinforcing what she is confident she believes, and becoming her true self. We hope her story inspires you to question your beliefs and strengthen your identity and faith. O...
Season 2
Episode 14