In Passing: A Podcast by the Center for Faith Engagement
In Passing is a place for authentic conversations with people you would normally pass by on the sidewalk. Take a moment and hear the stories of students, speakers, and staff members of Andrews University.
In Passing: A Podcast by the Center for Faith Engagement
Episode 5 ft. Ashok Willmott
Kendra Miranda
Season 1
Episode 5
In this episode hosts Isaac and Kendra explore wandering in the wilderness with guest Ashok Willmott. Ashok touches on his personal time in his metaphorical wilderness; wandering through questions of who to be, what to pursue, and how to find the motivation to press on through the uncertainty that life brings. Ashok is a fashionable, runner, Seminary student here at Andrews University and has lived a significant amount of "life" for a young lad. He shares some incredible wisdom in regard to the natural human experience. Life isn't always mountain tops and great views. What do we do in the valleys? Are mountain top experiences the REAL ultimate goal? Listen in to synthesize these questions! See you in there ;)